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Invasive species multiply at a very fast rate, and when this happens, the benefits of native plant species are lost.

Dr. Oluseun S. OlubodeLecturer in the Department of Crop Protection & Environmental Biology at the University of Ibadan

It’s time for a new international episode!

The change in our flora is an unstoppable process that is accelerated by human intervention. At present, intensive landscape use, destruction of wetland biotopes due to drainage, fertilisation of meagre sites due to the introduction of nutrients by agriculture are causing a gradual transformation of many biotopes. Countries with a high population density are particularly at risk, as is the case in Nigeria.

To address the current local situation and challenges, I was able to talk to Dr. Oluseun S. Olubode, an expert in species and ecosystem conservation, who has successfully led and participated in conservation of a National Park and Forest Reserves. He works as a lecturer in the Department of Crop Protection & Environmental Biology at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

Tune in, if you want to know more about vegetation, cropping systems and intensive farming in Nigeria!


Further Research:

  • Olayanju, Folasayo Micheal and Olubode, Oluseun Sunday (2020): Floristic Response of Herbaceous Flora to Intensive Cropping Systems. A Case of Ajibode-sasa Arable Agroecosystem, Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology Research International. Ibadan, Nigeria. DOI:10.9734/jaeri/2020/v21i1030171.
Pia Ehlers

Pia Ehlers

Pia ist die Stimme in Ihrem Ohr. Jeden Monat sucht sie sich interessante Themen aus der Agrarwelt aus, schnappt sich Expert:innen und dann heißt es – Agrar aufs Ohr!

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