Can you summarize your current research in no more than 200 words?
My current research is two-folds. First, I look at on how staple crop production changes in both commercial and smallholder farms affect market prices of these staples. Then, I assess how these influences on price changes affect the dietary diversity and food security of both urban and rural households in developing nations.
What do you want to achieve with your research, and who do you want to reach?
I want my research to be means to an end, rather than an end in itself. I would like to engage in depth with the community I am researching on to understand the context and gain an understanding of the big picture. I am interested in the issues of livelihoods and opportunities for marginal communities in emerging economies. One aspect of my research interest is to assess the role of governance institutions as facilitators and influencers. I would like my research to reach policymakers or practitioners in order for them to make informed decisions and implement changes that can benefit the specific region, community, or issue.
How does your typical day in the office/ lab look like?
I come in the morning, have my breakfast, and get to work! During non-Covid times, I usually ask different people to go for lunch every day. I take breaks in the afternoon, whether it’s coffee with friends or a walk around the botanical gardens. I very much enjoy have some interactions with colleagues or friends as it often leads to stimulating conversations and motivations!
Where can you be found when not being on campus?
Running, hiking, traveling, cooking, eating, reading, hanging with friends, roaming around the city; in museums, movie theaters or symphony concerts.
What did you want to become in first grade?
I wanted to be a lot of things. A “real” doctor, surgeon to be specific; a lab scientist; an athlete; and of course, the President of the USA ????